A history of the PSCC

How local committees have coordinated indigenous resistance


The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC) was born from the anti-Wall and anti-Settlement popular movement that started in the early 2000’s in different villages throughout the West Bank. After years of informal cooperation and shared mobilization between Palestinian communities engaged in popular resistance against the Israeli occupation, activists from the various village-based centers of the struggle came together to form the Coordination Committee, a common platform acting as a steering body for all the grassroots local popular committees.

Therefore, the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee was formed by prominent activists in the popular committees from all over the Occupied Territories and across the Palestinian political spectrum. Popular committees present a unique form of community-based organizing and resistance in the tradition of the first Palestinian Intifada.

Bilin Al-Ma'asara NabiSalah Nilin AlWalaja KuferQaddum JordanValley Masafer Yatta


The village of Bil’in's land began to be annexed in the 1980's by an illegal Jewish-only settlement nearby. In 2005, the Wall began to be constructed directly through the lands of the Palestinian farmers of Bil’in. Since 2005, Bil'in has been organizing direct actions and weekly demonstrations, gaining attention of the international community with their creativity and perseverance. The village also holds annual conferences, providing a forum to discuss popular struggle strategies. Since 2005, two residents have been killed from Israeli fire during demonstrations. Thanks to the popular mobilization and legal struggle undertaken by Bil’in inhabitants, in 2007, the Israeli High Court ruled that the route of the Wall be moved back. The implemented ruling in was implemented in 2011. More about Bil’in struggle: Watch the Movie Five Broken Cameras (with English subtitles)


Since 2006, Al-Ma'asara has held weekly demonstrations to protest against the Wall, encroaching settlements, and the Occupation in general. As the protests in the South of Bethlehem continued with growing support, the Army has launched a wave of repression hoping to squelch the popular struggle. Members of the Popular Committee faced explicit harassment and threats. Since the protest began, tens were arrested. In addition, the village's Popular Committee organizes summer camps, olive tree planting, workshops for youth and women, and capacity- building trainings.

Nabi Saleh

Nabi Saleh has endured decades of land grabs by the nearby illegal settlement but in 2009, Israeli settlers took over the village's water spring. This sparked continuing weekly demonstrations, unique for the great role women play in them. Israel has since declared the village a Closed Military Zone and military night raids and arrests have become common. Since 2009, two residents have been killed, countless injuries have been caused by Israeli fire and over 100 protesters (including minors) were arrested. Bassem and Naji Tamimi, protest leaders in the village, have been arrested a number of times and were recognized by the European Union as Human Rights Defenders.


As a result of the Wall and land annexations, Ni'lin is only 56% of its original size. Israel began the construction of the Wall in Ni'lin in 2004 and continued despite an Israeli court order temporarily halting construction. The Ni'lin committee launched a protest campaign, including demonstrations, strikes, and direct actions. Since 2008, five Ni'lin residents have been killed by Israeli fire, including two children, dozens of injuries and over 100 residents, including minors, arrested.


Al-Walaja village located south of Jerusalem and West of Bethlehem, held protests and rallies in the face of ongoing land confiscation. In 1967, roughly half the village was annexed by Israel and included in the Jerusalem municipal area. The village has been facing aggressive policy of land confiscation for the construction surrounding of Israeli settlements, military bases, and bypass roads to link the settlements to each other and most recently separation wall. Al-Walaja protesters also face the brutal repression of Israeli army. Dozens were injured and arrested during the protests. More about Al-Walaja: Al Haq – Al-Walaja, the Impact of the Annexation Wall (Field Visit Video)

Kufer Qaddum

Kufer Qaddum has been holding weekly demonstrations since 2011 in protest of ongoing land-grabs by the adjacent Jewish-only settlement and in demand that their main road be reopened. The road was sealed by the Israeli army at the beginning of the second Intifada. Protesters are faced by ever increasing levels of military violence, including assaults on the use of a military assault dog. About 100 of residents were arrested during the protests or on army night raids.

The Jordan Valley

The Jordan Valley is home to nearly 60,000 Palestinians. Because 87% of the land is designated as ‘Area C’, it is off limits to Palestinian use because of the lack of permits from the Israeli authorities for homes, schools, roads or water infrastructures. Dozens of checkpoints are separating the valley from the rest of the West Bank, rendering Palestinian access to public services such as quality health services particularly difficult. In 2011, Israeli authorities demolished over 200 Palestinian-owned structures in the area, displacing some 430 people and affecting the livelihoods of another 1,200. Thousands of Palestinians in the area are still at risk of forced displacement.

In response to the oppression imposed by the Israeli occupation, the Jordan Valley Solidarity movement is defending Palestinian existence in the area through building and renovating schools in Palestinian communities deprived of the right to education by the Israeli occupation, organizing collective actions against land and water resources capture by the settlers and army, and documenting the violations perpetrated by the Israeli settler colonial system and publishing it in five international languages.

Masafer Yatta

Masafer Yatta is an area in the South Hebron Hills of the West Bank, which is home to twelve Palestinian villages totaling about 2,800 residents. The area is spread out over about 35,000 dunam of land, where agricultural communities have lived for generations. In opposition to international law, which prohibits the expulsion of a population from its land and the use of occupied land for military training, the Israeli army declared the area Firing Zone 918, in the early 1980s, in order to dispossess Palestinians from their homes and strengthen Israeli settlements in the area. Since this declaration, residents have lived under the daily threat of demolitions, evictions, and dispossession. Families in Masafer Yatta are denied access to their land, roads, sources of water, schools, medical services, and hospitals. This is in addition to nearly daily violence from settlers in the region.

Masafer Yatta inhabitants have been struggling through popular mobilization and legal means against the declaration of the firing zone, until May 4th 2022 when the Israeli High Court issued its final decision in the decades-long case, rejecting the residents’ petition and giving the army the green light to forcibly evict these communities at a moment’s notice. If the Israeli army moves ahead with the eviction it will be one of the largest expulsions carried out by the State of Israel in recent decades, an alarming precedent that could lead to further expulsions across the West Bank, and a further escalation of Israel’s policies of annexation and Apartheid.

Direct Actions

A number of direct actions have been organized, including the blocking of Apartheid Road 443 and other roads, an action protest in Rami Levi supermarket in line with the call to Boycott products that support the Occupation, and cutting off apartheid separation fence in several locations. These actions aim to reclaim the right to use settler-only roads, challenge Occupation and segregation policies and disrupt the lives of settlers.

The PSCC has been instrumental in organizing the establishment of the village of Bab Al Shams in January 2013 on land coveted by Ma’ale Adummim settlers, in the area threatened by the illegal Israeli annexation plan of the ‘E1’ corridor, where the Israeli state had planned to erect more than 35000 housing units. Erected in less than two nights, the popular resistance encampment housed more than 250 Palestinians and foreign activists. While the village was destroyed by the Israeli Occupation Forces and dozens were arrested, the move received great attention from international media, raising awareness about Palestinian dispossesion, and also appeared as an example of proactive spatial resistance aiming to disrupt and weaken the spatial aspects of the continued Israeli colonization of Palestine. The movement launched by the Bab Al Shams initiative inspired numerous follow-up events across the West Bank, including in the Jordan Valley with the reclamation and restoration of the ethnically cleansed village of Ein Hijleh in 2014.