Who we are

The Mission and Vision of the PSCC

Palestinian farmers harvesting olives

Who we are

The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC) presents community-based resistance rooted in a belief in the power of popular struggle, taking various forms, such as strikes, protests, various types of collective actions and legal campaigns, as well as supporting the call to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. The Coordination Committee facilitates communication between various villages involved in struggles against the Wall, ethnic cleansing, and various aspects of the Israeli occupation. From the villages of Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Kufr Qaddoum, Nabi Saleh and al-Ma’asara, through the many villages of the Jordan Valley and South Hebron Hills to Tulkarem, Nablus, Qalqilya and West Ramallah. Success relies heavily on the support of the international community through BDS initiatives, financial aid, increased visibility, and direct solidarity.

After a decade long history of popular struggle, the PSCC has recently undertaken a generational transition through the election of a new youth-led board in January 2023. While activists from the previous generation of popular struggle are still involved in providing resources and strategic advices, the direction of the PSCC is now entirely formed of young Palestinians from Masafer Yatta, al Ma’asara, Bil’in and Nabi Saleh. With this generational shift in the decision-making power, Palestinian youth is put at the center of the popular struggle.

What we do

The PSCC facilitates communication between the different popular committees and grassroots groups, and provides them a base for strategic thinking. The Committee provides legal aid, communication and advocacy support to the activists and strives to encourage the mergence of new committees and initiatives.

It also helps strengthening the sumud (steadfastness) of Palestinian communities particularly targeted by Zionist land grab, capture and denial of access to agricultural fields, grazing areas and natural resources, settler violence – all Zionist measures, practices and policies seeking to impose a coercive environment on Palestinian communities living in so called ‘Area C’ to forcibly displace them from their ancestral lands. It does so through empowering local grassroots groups’ initiatives and collective actions on the ground by helping them in obtaining the necessary funds, providing capacity building activities and fostering mobilization.

Vision of the PSCC for Palestine

We strive for a free, civil, and democratic state of Palestine, that is open to the world and free of foreign occupation. The relations between Palestinians are shaped by Human Rights and the rule of law. They are active in grassroots resistance and solidarity among the people and with other movements. Palestinians realize their rights of freedom (including freedom of thought, religion, and assembly), social justice, and a just, non-capitalistic economic system.

Vision of the PSCC for popular struggle

As a grassroots movement, popular struggle is rooted in all parts of the Palestinian society as one body. Popular Struggle is active, independent, and transparent. It is united, diverse, including different types of struggles as well as women and men of different religious or other backgrounds.

Mission Statement of the PSCC

The PSCC empowers the popular struggle movement and contributes to promoting/spreading popular struggle in the whole of Palestine. It does so through coordinating between the popular struggle committees, actions, campaigns, and mobilization, strategy- and capacity-building, media and advocacy, as well as legal, financial and protection-seeking support structures.