Popular Struggle
Coordination Committee

Organizing for a liberated Palestine

Our Work

As an indigenous liberation movement, our grassroots work takes several forms


The PSCC organizes mass protests to challenge Israeli land theft, settler violence, and advance indigenous demands of decolonization.

Land Protection

We ensure that political demands of freedom are coupled with material investments in our communities through securing lands.

Legal Support

With Palestinian frontline defenders oftentimes facing Israeli military tribunal, the PSCC advocates and supports their campaign for freedom.


The PSCC advances campaigns that aim at changing the laws and policy the underpin Israel's program of indigenous erasure and settler colonialism.

Current Campaigns


Protective community olive harvesting

Defund Racism

A movement to shutdown settler organizations

Legal Aid

Financial and political support for activists

Masafer Yatta

A campaign to stop ethnic cleansing in Masafer Yatta

About the

The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee has a long history of active resistance to Israeli settler colonialism that is anchored in the real, lived experience of the Palestinian activists guiding our strategy of decolonization. 

Palestinian organizers

“A process of liberation through decolonization must be lead by the people on the ground, organizers who can work on the front lines with the most at-risk communities. The PSCC works to ensure our communities are not left alone.”
aL Ma'sara, Palestine
“The PSCC is a critical tool for Palestinians resisting Israeli colonialism. We organizes across the West Bank, historic Palestine and the diaspora to ensure that communities and individuals are provided with real, material support.”
Bethlehem, Palestine
“All colonial regimes have deployed a strategy of divide and conquer as a means to control the indigenous population. The PSCC brings communities together not only as a means to resistance Zionism, but as a process of decolonization.”
Bil'in, Palestine

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