A Brief introduction

Our story

The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee was formed by prominent activists in the popular committees from all over Palestine and across the political spectrum. Popular committees present a unique form of community-based organizing and resistance in the tradition of the first Palestinian Intifada. These diverse, non-partisan committees lead community resistance to Israeli settler colonialism in various forms, such as marches, strikes, demonstrations, direct actions, legal campaigns, and supporting boycott, divestment, and sanctions.

The PSCC facilitates fruitful communication between the different popular committees, like those from the villages of Bil’in, Ni’ilin, and al Maasara — known for their struggle against the wall. The PSCC connects the many villages and towns of the Jordan Valley and South Mount Hebron, facing attempts of creeping ethnic cleansing to other communities resisting Israeli conquest like Tulkarem, Nablus, Qalqilya, and West Ramallah. The committee provides a wider base for strategic thinking while retaining each popular committee’s independence and uniqueness in our movement to decolonize Palestine.

Rooted in a stern belief in the power of the popular struggle to overthrow systems of domination and settler colonialism, the committee’s main objective is to encourage and strengthen the grassroots Palestinian resistance and accommodate its needs. Echoing the ANC’s strategy of ungovernability, the PSCC promotes the emergence of new committees and initiatives and supports them, regardless of their affiliation.

The success of the popular struggle also relies heavily on the support of the international community through BDS initiatives, financial aid, increased visibility and direct solidarity. The PSCC strengthens international support networks and their direct ties to the struggle for liberty in Palestine.